Saturday, March 29, 2008


My first experience with podcasting was at a session for King George administrators given by Priscilla and Dawn. I had given a "testimonial" about our cohort and then stayed to help with the hands-on portion of the day. Our administrators (superintendent, supervisors, etc.) had to complete the same podcasting task we did in class. I had never done podcasting and Sharon and Dawn gave me a crash course. It was super easy to learn and I loved watching the administration having the same experiences we have in class (frustration, triumph, more frustration...)

Do I see podcasting occurring in my classroom? Mmmm, not really. There are some techniques or tools we learn to use and I immediately have 27 ideas on how to implement them. This has not been one of them. I just can't wrap my head around how to get second graders to speak into a mic, add music, and manipulate the timings of everything. I think I'll need some help with this one.


Darcie said...

I understand the hesitation and initial blank feeling with podcasts, I felt the same way when I first heard about them two years ago. Here's an elementary website to check out:

I teach middle school and it still gave me ideas to use, in fact we used the Guess Who I am with 8th graders and they loved it!

Also don't try to do it all on your own, let your ITRT or TRT, guide you as well. That's what they're there for. Even talk to your librarian, I've worked with mine on two different podcasting projects and she thinks it's a great idea. Hope this helps!

Darcie said...

Sorry, try this!