Saturday, March 29, 2008


My first experience with podcasting was at a session for King George administrators given by Priscilla and Dawn. I had given a "testimonial" about our cohort and then stayed to help with the hands-on portion of the day. Our administrators (superintendent, supervisors, etc.) had to complete the same podcasting task we did in class. I had never done podcasting and Sharon and Dawn gave me a crash course. It was super easy to learn and I loved watching the administration having the same experiences we have in class (frustration, triumph, more frustration...)

Do I see podcasting occurring in my classroom? Mmmm, not really. There are some techniques or tools we learn to use and I immediately have 27 ideas on how to implement them. This has not been one of them. I just can't wrap my head around how to get second graders to speak into a mic, add music, and manipulate the timings of everything. I think I'll need some help with this one.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Advocacy Groups

After reading through LOTS of blogs to find one to comment on, I noticed that lots of ITSers are blogging about their advocacy groups and topics. I know from being in King George the topics we are choosing to advocate, but I am finding it very interesting to see what other groups have taken on to advocate. I wonder if we will be able to see the work the other cohorts have done. Some of the topics seem really good and I would love to see the full projects!

Since I am interested in others' topics, I'll share a little bit of my group's project. We are working on a better mentoring program. Many schools have mentor programs in place, but most are not the most effective or beneficial. Our concept is to have a group of teachers who are removed from their classrooms for a few years to serve solely as mentors. However, they MUST go back to the classroom so they do not become removed from the real world of teaching. The teachers who are serving as mentors are available to any teacher who feels like he/she needs some assistance. In other words, mentoring is not solely available to first year teachers. Any teacher at any point in his/her career can need a little help or guidance. Our research states that 30% of new teachers leave the profession in the first five years. So we shouldn't just mentor a first year teacher and then drop them in the second year. Additionally, teaching is the only profession that has the same expectations of you in your first day as in your 20th year. Other professions provide time to learn and grow in your profession as you work up to higher responsibilities.

If anyone has any great mentoring experiences or suggestions to improve a mentor program, let me know!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sick day blog

This weekend my dad told me about Meghan McCain's blog. Meghan is presidential hopeful John McCain's daughter. She is traveling with her father on the campaign trail and blogging about her experiences. So sitting at home sick on Tuesday, I decided to check out her blog. I initially thought it is a great behind the scenes look at the presidential race from one family's experience. But upon more reflection (thanks Priscilla and Dawn), I realized it was so much more.

It is a great example of the current young generation's usage of technology within their world. Several years ago, someone wanting to document life on the campaign trail might keep a journal. If they were really industrious, they might make a scrapbook including pictures, clippings, etc. It would be shared only with those closest to the creator. Meghan's "journal" is a complete multi-media experience. She includes video footage produced by a friend also tagging along, photos of scenery, the crew of people involved in the campaign, and the public, playlists of songs appropriate to the experience as well as personal favorites, links to other articles or items of interest, and blogs by friends and family filling in when she takes a break. Her experience is being shared with people all over the globe.

Not only that, but as a teacher, I can see the value of her blog in an educational capacity. First, showing students the strictly technological side of "look at what a blog can be." But second, I think it is a great way to get older students interested in the presidential race. Meghan's additions of pop culture (such as songs, makeup advice, and fashion commentary) make a somewhat dry topic such as politics more engaging for teens. And having read the entire blog, the most non G-rated element was the video blog where she was waiting for the results of the Florida primary and she said she was sitting in the hallway of the hotel drinking a beer. Pretty mild!

I'm only ten years older than Meghan McCain, but I am astounded at the ease with which her generation uses technology in ways that affect our world.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


In Hawaii, there is a Wiki-Wiki shuttle at the airport that takes people from the main terminal to and from the gates if they choose not to walk. However, in all the times I have been to the airport either traveling or (pre-9/11) greeting friends, I have always found it easier to walk. I don't have to wait for it to arrive, no other stops, etc. Relating this to wikis, I've known wikipedia exists, but I've always found it easier to go to other sources for information. However, after learning more about wikis, I may be a convert. I can see the uses for wikis at many age levels. In my second grade class, I could envision setting up a page for each culture we study and at the end of the year having groups of students fill in info to recall what we had learned. When I was teaching fifth grade I might have used them to create study guides before big tests. The question is, next time I go to Hawaii, will I take the Wiki-Wiki? Hmmmm....

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Using blogs with little ones

I like the concept of blogging and the many ways to use it in the curriculum. However, I have to wonder how successful it is with younger children. When I allow my students to journal write, I try to eliminate distractions such as correct spelling and perfect handwriting so they can get their ideas on paper as fast as they can think them. This eliminates frustration and allows their thoughts to flow continuously and freely. Because so many students have a difficult time typing quickly, I wonder if this would become an obstacle to successful blogging.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Blog Number 1

This is my first blog! Blogging is difficult! Maybe it's because my brain is filled with other information at the moment - like my imminent return to teaching on Monday! I have to leave my new baby and go back to work. :-( While I love teaching and I want to get back to my friends at work, I am not looking forward to the chaos of getting two kids and a husband out the door every morning. Add in graduate classes, gymnastics practice (my oldest daughter - not me!), and all the other day to day activities and my brain is about to melt just thinking about it. Hopefully the routine will become routine and we will all survive!